

Here for you, are a poem, about the glass stone beach


Upon a shore not of our Earth,
A beach of glass, a silent mirth.
Raindrops fall in a dance so slow,
Rings on the ocean, a gentle glow.

Each drop sings a tranquil tune,
Under the watch of a foreign sky.
The vast sea mirrors the night's array,
Stars and galaxies in splendid display.

A melody heals, whispers from afar,
Accompanied by waves that caress the fallen stars.
The glass stones glisten, wet and sleek,
As waves kiss the shore with a splash so meek.

In this world, where time seems to bend,
The sky's embrace with the sea does blend.
A cosmic ballet, both wild and tame,
On this alien shore, with no name.


A glass stone beach on a another planet, big slow raindrops fell into the flat ocean making rings and a heavenly raindrop sound resonated every time the raindrops hit the water. Above the ocean there was an otherworldly night sky, covered with stars and galaxies that mirrored in the ocean. A healing melody slowly whispered in the back ground, accompanied by the slow waves that splashed on the glass stone beach. Or was it metal stones? Hard to tell when I have not been there myself.

I hope you enjoy this little journey to a serene and otherworldly beach. 🌌🌊

Here for you, are a poem, about the metal stone beach.




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